Pseudo Public Place
Belonging to my '(Host)ile' project
From early 14c. as "position or place occupied by custom, etc.; precedence, priority in rank or dignity; social status, position on some social scale;" from late 14c. as "inhabited place, town, country".
I risked this piece being at Turbo Island for several months as I felt it needed to 'belong' and fit into the concept, especially with the message I wanted to share. I was pleased that it had been tagged and I thoroughly enjoy the coincidental sticker that was put on by someone towards the end of its stay at Turbo Island.
Situated at Turbo Island in Bristol (a controversial piece of land which has been an integral part of the identity of Stokes Croft since 1940), over the last few months, this sign comments on the increase in public spaces in towns and cities being privately owned, and combined with internet shopping, is leading to the decline of town and city centres.
Highlighting the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor, where the rich cleanse these spaces from those deemed beneath them because of their financial status; gentrification.
I find this unfair and believe the deterrents used to cleanse town and city centres of "loitering", as one example, combined with the dwindling right to roam, leads to a dystopic ideology that contributes to poor mental health that many homeless people already live with.
Ecotherapy has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression.